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  • richardb


License Survey Update

Thank you to all those who have taken time to complete the license survey for Suffolk Coastal Region. So far we have 38 people who...

Suffolk Coastal Region Update

Following a meeting held at The Riverside Center on Sunday 15th October, please see the Suffolk Coastal Region page for important information regarding our bid...

Appeal Decision

As the 2023 Summer Cup quarter-final match between Les Boulistes and Ol’ Shoes was not played by the deadline of 20th August, it was referred...

Suffolk Coastal Regional IGM

Please find below notice and agenda of the Inaugural General Meeting for the proposed Suffolk Coastal Region. Suffolk Coastal Region Notice of Inaugural General Meeting...

Presentation Day

We are holding our inaugural end of season prize giving and get together on 15th October 2pm – 4pm at The Riverside centre in Farnham...

Winter League 2023

The Winter 2023 League tables and fixtures are now available on the website. 2023 Winter League As there are a lot of new teams this...

Ladies League Finals Day

Following another hard fought season, we know the top 4 pairs in the Ladies League. Seed 1 – Steph & Angie vs Seed 4 –...

Amendment to Captains Handbook

There is an error in the Captains Handbook in the Arrangement of League Tables section. This should read as below. League tables are arranged by...

Result of Vote on Divisional Structure

At the Team Representatives Meeting it was decided to vote on how many teams we have in each league. Initially this was set to 7,...

SCPA Regional Status – One Step Closer

As most of you (should) know by now, it has long been a target to obtain Regional Status for our Suffolk Coastal Petanque, and after...