Category: News

License Survey Update

Thank you to all those who have taken time to complete the license survey for Suffolk Coastal Region.

So far we have 38 people who are considering taking a SCR license should we proceed with forming the region, and 37 of those would be interested in playing in the Inter Regional competition.

This is an excellent start, and if you have not yet completed the survey, you can do so by clicking here.

Appeal Decision

As the 2023 Summer Cup quarter-final match between Les Boulistes and Ol’ Shoes was not played by the deadline of 20th August, it was referred to the SCPA Disputes Panel. The decision of the Panel was appealed by Les Boulistes and two independent adjudicators from outside of the SCPA were asked to review the evidence provided by the two teams.

The Adjudicators decision was:
We both received the evidence submitted by the team making the appeal (Team A).and by the Disputes Panel that took the decision as well as the correspondence between Team A and the SCPA in relation to the appeal.

We reviewed the evidence independently and then conferred to come to our decision which is as follows :

We recommend that both Team A & Team B should be disqualified from The Summer Cup Competition for failing to play the match by the scheduled play-by date and that the team the winners would have played is awarded a bye through to the next round.

As a result of this case the SCPA disputes and appeal procedures will be reviewed by the Management Committee to ensure that a robust system, fit for purpose, is in place for use in the 2024 season.

Suffolk Coastal Regional IGM

Please find below notice and agenda of the Inaugural General Meeting for the proposed Suffolk Coastal Region.

Suffolk Coastal Region

Notice of Inaugural General Meeting
To be held at
The Riverside Centre
Sunday 15 October 2023 at 4pm

1. Apologies
2. Regional name and boundaries
3. Adoption of draft constitution
4. Election of essential officers:
President / Chairperson
Vice President / Vice Chairperson
5. Election of additional officers:
Website/Communications Officer
Safeguarding Officer
Membership Secretary
Competition Secretary
Regional Coach
Regional Umpire
Youth Development Officer
Regional Captain
6. Bank account and signatories
7. Regional precept
8. AOB

Presentation Day

We are holding our inaugural end of season prize giving and get together on 15th October 2pm - 4pm at The Riverside centre in Farnham - this will be an opportunity for everyone (winners or not!) to meet up socially - we have a capacity limit so would like to limit to 4 per team if possible but if you could please give an indication of numbers from each team wishing to attend it would be really helpful - please respond to [email protected]

The bar will be available and we ask that each team bring some snacks/nibbles - the prizegiving will include winter league and cup winners, triples league and cup winners and summer league/cup/plate winners and the Ladies League Division winners - all runners up in cup/plate competitions will also receive a trophy.

Winter League 2023

The Winter 2023 League tables and fixtures are now available on the website.

2023 Winter League

As there are a lot of new teams this year, we have made the two lower divisions Division 4a and 4b. The top team from each of the these two divisions will gain promotion to Division 3, with the bottom two teams from Division 3 being relegated to Division 4. The remaining teams in 4a and 4b will then be graded to determine their divisions based on our usual process.

Due to some teams dropping out, the above statement about Divisions 4a and 4b is no longer valid. Division 4 now comprises 8 teams who will play each other once.

Ladies League Finals Day

Following another hard fought season, we know the top 4 pairs in the Ladies League.

Seed 1 - Steph & Angie vs Seed 4 - Wendy & Julie

Seed 2 - Niki & Janet vs Seed 3 - Barbara & Jenny

As previously notified the Finals will be held on the 23rd September, and the venue is now confirmed as The Chequers Kettleburgh, start time 12:00.

We will have presentation drinks after the finals, and food will be available from 12:00 to 14:30 and from 18:00 onwards, however there will be no formal meal.


2023/24 Winter League

So it’s time to start thinking about the 7th(!) incarnation of the Winter league, I have published details on Facebook and an email will be circulated this week, however if you wish to register interest now then let me know via [email protected] no need to pay now….

As always format will be a triples (played first) followed by a doubles and a singles – teams can consist of 3 players or more with no limit on the number used throughout the season – registration remains at £12 per team, (£2 per team increase for the first time , trophies are getting more expensive!) which will include entry into the cup unless you indicate otherwise.

The league will start on 22nd Oct and run through until late March (date tbc) and will be leagues of 5 as far as we can accommodate – matches will be scheduled but I will impose no deadlines for them to be played and trust that if you register to play in the cold and rain then you are keen enough to play 8 matches in over 5 months, experience to date has largely proven this to be true so fingers crossed it continues….

Amendment to Captains Handbook

There is an error in the Captains Handbook in the Arrangement of League Tables section. This should read as below.

  1. League tables are arranged by the following criteria in order. 
    1. Highest amount of league points earned, descending down in each division.
    2. If this is equal, then actual games won in every match is totalled up, to give a games ‘for’ and a games ‘against’ and therefore create a ‘games difference’, with the best positive difference being highest and then descending order from there.
    3. If this is also equal, then actual shots scored in every match is totalled up, to again give a shots ‘for’ and a shots ‘against’ and therefore create a ‘shots difference’, with the best positive difference being highest and then descending order from there .
    4. If this is also equal, then the team with the highest number in the ‘shots for’ column is placed higher.
    5. If this is also equal, then any match score between the two sides is taken into account, with the winning side being placed higher.
    6. If this was then a ‘perfect draw’, i.e., 2-2 and shots score was identical on both sides, then the AWAY team is placed higher.

A new handbook will be sent out soon.

Changes to fixture dates guidance

The Summer League 2023 fixtures list is posted on the SCPA website. It gives the dates on which both home and away fixtures are expected to be played and all fixtures should be played within six weeks of the original fixture date or before the end of the season, whichever is the sooner. The guidance on arranging fixtures in the Captains Handbook makes it clear that as soon as any fixture is rearranged details of the change to the fixture list should be submitted to the Fixtures Officer.

Some teams have been rescheduling matches by reversing the home and away fixtures, but this will usually mean that the fixture listed to be played first on the website will fall outside the six-week window. Fixture reversal is often a sensible way to get around problems with the availability of a playing venue and this is the only reason that fixture reversal should be used. As soon as both teams agree on fixture reversal, the home captain must notify the Fixtures Officer, giving details of why the venue could not be used. If reversed fixture games are played without notifying the Fixtures Officer, the fixtures list can show games as not being completed within the six-week window and the teams involved may be referred to the Disputes Panel who will then request clarification.