Suffolk Coastal Region

Newsletter 1

The first SCR Newsletter is out, with important information about licence renewals, competitions and general information.

UPDATE 30th January 2024

Subject to the final bits of the process being put into place, it appears that we have finally secured Regional status for the 2024 season onwards.

For those of you who have one, when your current Petanque England licence expires on 31st March 2024 and you go to renew on the Sport80 site, you will be able to now select Suffolk Coastal as your regional choice.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to this point, those that have supported us in this process and to those of you who posed constructive questions that has assisted us in trying to make sure we get things right from day one.

The hard work now starts, but it now opens up new doors of opportunity for any of our Coastal players to advance their game to the next level.

Again, we reiterate that those of you who do not wish to take this step up, our current Coastal leagues, competitions, activities etc WILL NOT change and no-one will be forcing you to have a Petanque England licence.

We will operate a new Suffolk Coastal Region Facebook group (see link below), where the vast majority of regional news will be posted, including all the details of how to qualify for the new Regional team to play at the Inter Regional Championships at Pakefield, Lowestoft in September, along with all the other Regional events we will now be expected to host, in what will be a packed playing calendar.

UPDATE 12th December 2023

At the Anglia Regional AGM, a couple of points were raised regarding the formation of Suffolk Coastal Region, these have been answered and the Petanque England board have been notified.

There is a PE AGM in early 2024 where a final decision will be made.

As a reminder, the PE licences run from April to March, however you may receive notification to renew anytime from December onwards. If you are looking at joining the Suffolk Coastal Region we recommend that you do not renew until we have been added to the PE licence system as a Region. If for any reason PE reject our application, you can then renew for whatever region you wish before April 2024.

UPDATE 1st December 2023

Following the positive response to our survey, we sent off the documentation to Petanque England in early November.

We are now waiting on the final go ahead from Colin Roper, the President of Petanque England, and we will post an update here as soon as we have this.

As you may be aware, the Suffolk Coastal Petanque Alliance Management Committee has, for some time, been looking at forming an official Region under Petanque England.

At present we fall under the Anglia Region, the proposal to create our own Region has been approved by the Anglia Regional Management Committee, and we are now at the stage where we need to formally apply to Petanque England. As part of this process we need to have certain paperwork in place, and one of these is a Regional Constitution. Rather than go through the process of writing one from scratch, we have taken an existing constitution and amended it to better fit our requirements. The advantage of this is that we know that Petanque England have already approved this constitution, meaning we have a greater chance of having our own approved likewise.

Following a meeting at The Riverside Centre on Sunday 15th October, we committed to posting the constitution, an FAQ page, Officer nomination forms and minutes from this meeting. These are all available from the links below.

Please send any feedback, including your acceptance of the proposed constitution to before 27/10/2023

*UPDATE* In the Minutes, the date for nominating for the committee was incorrectly put as 22nd October, this should have been 27th October.

We have now received sufficient approvals to the draft constitution and enough nominations to proceed. We are now at the stage where we would like to have a rough guide on how many people would be interested in taking a Suffolk Coastal Regional Petanque England License and how many of those would like to participate in the Inter Regional Championships.

With this in mind, it would be really helpful if you could complete the survey below before Sunday 5th November.