SCPA Summer 2024 Registration

Registration closes on Friday 9th February 2024.

The Team representatives meeting will be held at the Riverside Center, Stratford St Andrew, Suffolk, IP17 1LL on Friday 16th February 2024 at 7:30pm.

Team Fees £20.

Cheques to be made payable to ''Suffolk Coastal Petanque Alliance'' and returned to the League Co-Ordinator, Mr Simon Fletcher, 18 Melville Road, Ipswich, IP4 1PN, all to be received by no later than 16th February 2024.

Electronic payment details are:
Bank - Lloyds Cornhill North Ipswich
Sort Code - 30 94 55
Account No - 00029808
Account Name - Suffolk Coastal Petanque Alliance (SCPA)