Triples League Guidelines


A match will consist of two games of triples played to 13 points. The match winners will be awarded 3 league points, whilst a draw will give each team 1 league point with a bonus point to the team who scores most points overall int he two games.

Position in the league will be determined by number of league points. If two or more teams have the same number of league points, then the difference in games for and against will determine league position. If this still results in a tie then the difference in shots for and against will be used.

Arranging Fixtures

I have suggested two weeks for each match fixture, however this date is a guideline date by which the match should be played, and remember matches can be played in advance.

Matches can be played at any date and time by mutual agreement.


Please use the scorecard provided, and email this to Home team to provide the scorecard, winning team is responsible for sending, in the event of a draw the Home team is to send it.


There is no requirement or expectation for the home team to provide refreshments.